Decline of (upper) Middle Class Neighborhoods
If you've wondered why your formerly nice neighbors seem to be in the decline, here are many reasons why:
- "Liar loans" (or officially "stated" or "no doc" loans) allow people to buy homes beyond their means. Many frauds have been reported in the news and are affecting various sub-prime mortgage companies. So, formerly poor (so called "sub-prime" borrowers) could buy homes in the (upper) middle-class neighborhoods with 0% down. With Neg-Am ARM, the initial payments are "affordable" but watch out when the rates and payments reset to higher numbers.
- Homes bought with fraud or even unlived in homes can be taken over by pot growers or meth labs.
- Section 8 vouchers (free money from the taxpayers) allow poor to move out from downtown slums to middle class suburbs.
- Anti-gang push by big cities means the gangs move out to the suburbs.
- And if some disaster strikes like flood or tsunami or hurricane or earthquake: there goes your neighborhood....
Copyright, 2007, DannyHSDad, All Rights Reserved.
Labels: anti-gang, lair loans, neighbors, section 8, subprime borrowers
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