
Home Educating in California

What a pain! We are in the People's Republic of Kalifornia (PRK) even when it comes to home education.

There are various groups with various opinion on what is legal here in PRK (regarding private school affidavit, or what used to be known as R-4):

HSLDA seems that a family registering as a private school is OK.

California Home Educators do not recommend it.

California Homeschool Network has process for how to go through the process, including 2005 updates.

HomeSchool Assocation of California has detailed requirements for the process. They also point to a legal opinion (PDF file!) by Stephen Greenberg, who is an appellate attorney and a home educating dad.

Christian Home Educators Association of California has details on filling the form, too.

So what is a parent to do? Stay tuned on what we'll do....